Here we go! I've got that end of term feeling.
6 months of concentrated work all finished and being installed (as I write) in the Galerie Eisch in Frauenau, Germany for my solo show. It opens next week and I will be there, trying to look cool in my tesco top and hoping for the best.
The theme of the show "mirror mirror' is image and reflection. There are pieces where the reflection is literal, with duplicated faces and figures mirroring each other, or works where the reflection is personal, the water gilded mirror finish allowing the viewer to participate in the artwork by seeing themselves in the glass. The 'now you see me, now you don't' mirrors have mysterious figures hidden behind the gilding, only visible from certain view points, and 'fabulous beasts' are bright and shiny with reflective wing cases.
As with most of my work these pieces are representational and figurative but operate in a world of magical realism. The faces are not portraits and the insects are not found in any field guide, but they are no less real.
All the works can be found here
Judith gill (Friday, 29 July 2016 16:02)
I find your work exhilarating and superb in stretching the boundaries of what's possible and I love sparkly bits and your humour good luck at the opening I'm sure you will look dab in your tesco top. Thanks Judith.
Nancy (Sunday, 31 July 2016 04:53)
Dear Judith, there doesn't seem to be a reply button on here, so I hope you see this. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Best wishes, N.
Rini Ronckers (Thursday, 04 August 2016 09:32)
Hello Nancy,
just looked at the pictures of your work for Frauenau.
To my surprice there is a portret en face.
In spetember i"ll be in Frauenau en will look at your work by Sissi.
Best wishes,